Residential Garden Design, Brampton, ON


Design Process

This site is located in Brampton, ON. The existing site is overgrown by invasive and native species. Focus for this design will be on native species, specific to the Mixedwood Plains ecozone, 7E (Lake Erie-Lake Ontario) ecoregion, and the ecodistrict 7E-4 (Toronto ecodistrict). Focusing on pollinator species. A mix of shade, part shade, and full sun beds. There will be a bird bath and bird feeder to attract native bird species.

Before, 2020. Canada Goldenrod and mostly Phragmites. Upon Inventory and analysis of the site there is some invasive species removal and then adding dirt and mulch to create a levelled surface.

Before, 2020. Canada Goldenrod and mostly Phragmites. Upon Inventory and analysis of the site there is some invasive species removal and then adding dirt and mulch to create a levelled surface.

Before, 2020.The garden used to have a in ground pool and there are still remnants that will be removed. The site is more moist noted by the phragmites growing and the indication of other species that can tolerate moist soil conditions.

Before, 2020.

The garden used to have a in ground pool and there are still remnants that will be removed. The site is more moist noted by the phragmites growing and the indication of other species that can tolerate moist soil conditions.

Before, 2020. Keeping the surrounding evergreens, white cedar and spruce. There is an existing Yucca sp.  and hydrangea sp. that will be moved  off site. Off of the house a wood deck will be constructed.

Before, 2020.

Keeping the surrounding evergreens, white cedar and spruce. There is an existing Yucca sp. and hydrangea sp. that will be moved off site. Off of the house a wood deck will be constructed.